Friday, June 15, 2007

In the words of Ronald Shakespeare, "Listen to the people."

Maternity Ward Logo
This mark was created during a week long workshop with Argentinian designer Ronald Shakespeare. Shakespeare responded very positively to the design and I was satisfied with it as well. I later had the opportunity to show Ivan Chermayeff the mark. He appreciated the concept very much but had some issues with the form. The two marks presented above are variations on the initial design reflecting the two major schools of thought regarding what formal direction the mark should follow. I would appreciate any insight into which version you prefer.

Green Housing Logo
This mark was created for use by an eco-friendly housing contractor. Same drill as above, let me know which you prefer and if there are any additional crits as well. Thank you for your help.


Unknown said...

I really much prefer the maternity ward logo with the smiling baby. I feel that it makes the logo more welcoming and personal towards those it is relevant to. Baby time is a happy time, not a neutral time.
The greenhouse with the chimney and the door seems to be much more welcoming and less industrial than the plain sharp cornered other house.

Boger said...

Although the smiling baby is what makes it super cute, it stands strong enough as it is. Plus, the facial details may make it difficult to be reproduced at small sizes, epecially in a hopsital with copy after copy being made with a machine.

Blomma said...

You worked with Ronald Shakespeare?
Lucky bastard. ;)
I agree with Mike, whatever it's worth a year later.