Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Please leave me any feedback you have regarding the following posters. One of the biggest fears I have is investing in a print when I am not 100% sure the piece is done. Any crits are very welcome.

Ides of March Parade
This poster was created for an event hosted by an avant-garde theater company. Allegorical shields and soldiers on the march allude to the fate awaiting all tyrants. Trajan was selected for almost laughably obvious reasons. I feel this piece is still too computery and hope that a large silkscreen print will remedy the sterile look, if not, perhaps a hand rendition then rescanned into the computer?

Tate St. Coffee Annual Jazz Festival
Geometric abstraction and a modern sans serif typeface for a jazz event, who would have guessed? This piece was done more or less in a five hour window because of general apathy on my part. Futura was selected because it complemented the geometric composition nicely while lending a strangely playful look to the piece. Is this style relevant or appealing anymore? Has it drifted too far into the realm of cliché?

Work at Play
With little information to go on this piece was created more as a concept or general awareness piece than a specific advertisement. Working under the premise of an exhibition of invention entitled "Work at Play" this solution came forth. Frutiger serves the role of both the copy for the poster and the message off the construction tape. Frutiger was chosen because of its strong presence and legibility.

No Smoking
After playing with Photoshop for a day and coming up with an interesting cracked face image I decided to find an application for it. The (perhaps too) obvious choice was for use in an anti-smoking campaign. The copy reads "smoker are a dying breed" as is the effectiveness of such futile ploys at altering negative behaviors. The copy is set in Myriad Pro with very wide tracking (a guilty pleasure of mine).


Jack Currier said...

quick things here: ides of march: i really like this poster a lot, but the legs still bother me. they aren't well drawn and they take up too much space for such a boring element and too close to the same space as the heads for a dynamic composition. jazz poster: really like it, may be cliche, but it's done masterfully. work at play: vinny's right arm looks like it's suspended from a rope that's trying to lift him up; the pose looks unnatural. his hand doesn't looks like it's gripping that lego, either, it looks like it's floating over it. there is an annoying tangent where the spade meets the lego, on it's top edge. not sure that it bothers me exactly, but whey isn't the 'work at play' tape in perspective with the rest of the piece? for legibility? it bothers me, it seems like a better solution could be found. no smoking: the cigarette looks too computery, especially the shadows, they look airbrushed, not convincing and out of place. i can't tell you what exactly i would do with the type, but not what you've done, it doesnt' look like it fits there.

Erin Armstrong said...

very awesome work man! I would give you a hand shake but you're not close. :)

Boger said...

Stop relying so much on your illustrative skills and challange yourself.

Anonymous said...

In regards to the 'No Smoking' poster, the type is the only thing I have issues with. Minion Pro is a great typeface (I have used this many times myself) but when using it in one line makes it awkward because it is essentially a book type. You already changed it from a book face to a display face by tracking it out, but perhaps it needs something more. I would recommend making all the letters lower case, which makes it more of a unique caption as aside from some lost footnote of text.