Monday, June 18, 2007

Not Ready for Prime Time

OPEN Magazine
I'm currently starting to develop a quarterly publication and these are possible front and back covers for it. The concept of the magazine is one of an open format in which anything of artistic or intellectual merit is potentially viable for display.

Both images are modified self-portraits. The image to the left is reversible being the same both viewed right-side-up and upside-down.

Synapse Magazine
This is the cover for a class project I had this past semester. The magazine dealt primarily with environmental and the new technologies emerging to combat forces destructive to the environment. There were mixed reviews to the cover and I would appreciate any insights you all have.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As I said before, I think that this is too cluttered and a bit unclear, but as it was your intention to make it jump out at you as a magazine cover, it definitely does the trick. It does however need a bit more colour.