Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Logo—Carlson Custom Homes

Here's a logo I made at work for a custom home builder. They wanted an element that could serve as an independent monogram so the logo was designed to function together or as two separate units. The design had to be relatively conservative as the client would not accept anything too radical and the use of a script was required. "Carlson" is set in Bickham Script Pro with some modifications made by me. "Custom Homes" is set in Adobe Garamond Italic with alternate caps which is actually based on the work of Robert Granjon. So . . . tell me what you think!


Boger said...

"CCH" is way too crowded. It could work with just the "C" maybe? Simplicity, nyukka.

Jack Currier said...

It could use a more of a hierarchy, it's a bit confusing right now, it takes too long to decipher since there isn't an immediate focus.