Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Digital Painting Experiment

The beginning of my first real foray into the world of digital painting. Hopefully this illustration will be completed soon, but as usual I have a million other projects going on to distract me. Hopefully my portfolio site will be up soon and I will be able to consolidate my creative efforts into something somewhat representative of what I do with my sequestered time.


Anonymous said...

This work in process needs an explanation in order for it to be understood at this point in the progression. A brief. description of what the final will consist of and what the illustration is for is essential before any feedback can be given

Unknown said...

It's a shame your great potential won't be further realized. Your ability to question everything and speak your mind about it, your concepts, work, and uplifting attitude were undoubtedly inspiring. You truly had a positive impact on your friends and peers. Rest in peace, you will surely be missed.